
We try to do things right in the first place. But if we fail we accept that we as humans commit errors but do not fall short of owning and correcting our mistakes.


We desire and strive to be the strongest and largest player in the Information Technology sector.


Our ethics, our principles form our values which we adhere to while dealing with Customers, Employees, Vendors and Partners.


ASKUD, is a one stop Information Technology Company built to serve with a smile. The human resource, the systems, the guidelines, all speak one language – the language of Excellence. In the same note we look forward to alliances and partnerships to leverage each other’s mission objectives.



ASKUD came back to us with proposals that we had not considered in the original specification. All the products sourced from them are of excellent quality and are backed by very good support.

Mr. Sirish Kulkarni

Mr. Sirish Kulkarn

We are happy to have taken their services as they are cost effective and have been extremely helpful since we have known them. We have a healthy b2b relation and do consider them as good business partners. We definitely look forward to take their services and support in the near future....

Dr. S. mukherjee                                                                                                                          More...

Mr. Aditya Dubey

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